"I would like for people, no matter their location or blood type,
to always look each other in the eyes, because it is the best contact of goodness with goodness,
the best microscope penetrating into the depths of the soul."

Eugen Doga

The main mission of art is to develop spiritual and moral principles in people, to preserve the values ​​that sustain the life of the world and of all the living things that make it up.

Art teaches people to think in global generalized categories, to soar all the way up to Universal firmament, from where we can see more clearly our earthly everyday life and our world that is so complex, but yet intimate, because we ourselves consist of it. This is an investment in humanity, an investment in its future. Personal development is our main task. If everyone became perfect, we would live in a perfect world. Art should be accessible to every person, every child.

The Foundation aims to promote the implementation of the composer’s creative, civic and spiritual principles, which underlie this Foundation’s objectives.

Goals and objectives

  • Collecting and systemizing all of Eugen Doga’s creative heritage.
  • The author’s work being studied by musicology specialists, university students and music school students.
  • Preserving and developing cultural values.
  • Organizing concerts, creative events, festivals, competitions, etc.
  • Strengthening and developing domestic and international relations and collaboration in the fields of music arts, theater, cinema, and folklore.
  • Maintaining creative relationships with publishing centers, performing groups, production agencies, as well as copyright agencies.
  • Participation in various creative and educational projects, as well as cooperation with state and public cultural organizations.
  • Supporting gifted creative youth and promoting the development of music and aesthetic education for children.
  • Collaborating with government agenciesonvarious projects.